Witaj, tam możesz pobrać plik APK "com.quran.offline.sudais.mp3" dla Androida za darmo, wersja pliku apk to 4.0.0 aby pobrać na urządzenie z systemem Android, po prostu kliknij ten przycisk. To łatwe i gwarancja. Dostarczamy tylko oryginalne pliki APK. Jeśli którykolwiek z materiałów w tej witrynie narusza Twoje prawa, zgłoś nam
Full mp3 Quran application with Qari Soudais and also you can download mp3 quran files and read quran so you can play this app anytime and anywhere without internet, let's just download Soudais Coran pro app and read & listen every sentence of the holy verses of the Qur'an.
This app has following Features:
- Flexible and Responsive UI
- Listen Quran
- Read Quran with night mode
- Quran in Arabic
- Recitation of Soudais
- Mp3 Quran Audio
- Read and Listen Quran
- Clear, Best Quality and Loud Audio
- next automatically, shuffle and repeat verses
- Work online and offline
- Full Quran